Perfect Lies by Kiersten White

perfect lies

“She told me only people we love the most can destroy us, because no one else has that kind of power.”
Kiersten White, Perfect Lies

“Oh, baby sister. We all want things we shouldn’t have. Even you. Just because you love him doesn’t mean you should. Love is a choice, like anything else.”
Kiersten White, Perfect Lies

“This was my choice, Fia. I made the right choice so you didn’t have to make a wrong one.”
Kiersten White, Perfect Lies

“Probably you should stay out of my head. It’s not a friendly place.”
Kiersten White, Perfect Lies

I felt like I loved Mind Games when I first read it but after reading the sequel and looking back I’m left thinking about how much better the first book could have been. I felt like the transitions between Annie and Fia worked out really well.James is such a duchebag on so many levels and I never cared for him. He never had the balls to stand up to his father or to be honest about his feelings. I loved the ending.

” Annie.
Annie .

I can’t think about her, not ever. It isn’t safe. But when I’m asleep , no one can listen to my thoughts. I’m still afraid to sleep-too many ghosts peering creeping condemning. Sometimes though, the good times, I get Annie.”

” It’s better than the ocean for calming, and if any readers look at me funny , I add marshmellows to my thoughts and am just a girl in want of a campfire.”

“I used to be a compass , trained on the true north of protecting Annie. Without her I lost my north. But James is my north now. The flames are my north now. Our dark secrets are my north now.”

uninvited by Sophie Jordan


“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

“Feeling his heart, it occurs to me that it beats just like everyone else’s. Like mine.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

“Never forget that we are more than the genetic code. We can be more than labels applied to us. We can be more than what others whisper behind our backs. Free will exists. We need to choose to be the best we can be and we need to help others do the same. Believe in yourself.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

“Exactly what he wanted me to do. Exactly what they all thought I would do. Everyone in here. Everyone out there in the world. A world so afraid of carriers, it makes killers out of the innocent.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

“A world so afraid of carriers, it makes killers out of the innocent.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

“All my life people have called me gifted. Extraordinary. Blessed. I had all these dreams to become something. Someone. No one ever said I couldn’t. No one ever said Killer.”
Sophie Jordan, Uninvited

Davy has a good life with a boyfriend named Zac, friends and family that love her and plans to go to Julliard until she finds out she has the kill gene. Davy’s family shows their concern in different ways from offering to help her escape to despair that she is a sociopath and will one day hurt someone. Davy’s old friends betrayed her on a horrible level and I hope karma gives them everything they deserve.

I did wonder whether there were so many violent carriers because they truly had this HTS gene or because it was learned behavior from being told constantly that they are animals and that’s all they will ever be and being subjected to even more violent behavior once they become a carrier. (In the case of the weaker one’s that is ) I loved Sean and I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.

Salt by Danielle Ellison


“Gran always told us not to leave home without salt in out pocket. “You never know ” she used to say while we licked batter from spoons, “When a demon will attack and you need to be prepared”

” I support your dreams, Penelope, if they are good ones” she says into my ear.”This could ruin you. Ruin our family. I don’t want you to get hurt”

” Maybe I should call you Jiminy and carry you around in my pocket forever”

“Two points to Gryffindor “(loved the harry potter reference)

I was a bit iffy in the beginning when all that was going on was studying to be an enforcer but I quickly became hooked the more Carter became a part of her life. I love Carter and Pen together<3
I also loved all the demon attack scenes and the ending was great!